Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Application Letter

Tuti Nurjanah, SE
Bekasi 17144
HP : 0822-31833374
Jakarta, 22  Mei 2014

TO: HRD MANAGER PT. Aaron Eckhart .

Dear Sir,
Based on Information about career chance in your company that I see in website, I would like to join with your company in Purchasing FPA. It’s nice for me to learn many good things, get new experiences and get go forward with your company to get the bright future.

I am 22 years of age, Indonesian, single and of excellent health. I graduated in December 20th 2015 with a bachelor degree (S1) in Accounting from Gunadarma University, Indonesia. I have fluency in computer literacy (Microsoft Office, DEA,MYOB, ZAHIR, etc.). Knowledge of English: good in written and spoken. I have finished my study with excellent GPA: 3.25. I am able to give the best in my occupation mainly in your company.

I have enclosed curriculum vitae, recent photograph. I hope my qualification can meet the company requirement. And I would be grateful to attend the selection invitation to explore more detail my skills and my personality.

I trust you will consider my application favorably and I would be happy to come for an interview at your convenience. I would like to thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,

Tuti Nurjanah

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Approval Leave Request

Human Resource
Sentosa Alam Industry
Mei 26, 2014

Tuti Nurjanah
Office Manager
Sentosa Alam Industry

Dear Tuti
Re: Leave Request Approved
In response to your request for leave on Mei 28-31, 2014, the management has deliberated the matter. We are pleased to inform you that your leave request is approved.
However, looking at the busy schedule of the company during the month end, the management would like to request that your current contact details should be submitted to the Human Resource for urgent contact purposes.
Also, do delegate your daily work responsibilities to your assistants and subordinates well to ensure a smooth flow of operation in your absence.
For your information, with these approved four days of leave, you still have 12 days of entitled leave for this year. We wish you a good rest on your off days.

Human Resource
Sentosa Alam Industry